GRENIERThe Grenier, as its name indicates is the
room located on the highest level of the
venue. It is the biggest room that also takes
most of the surface area of the venue.
Filled with history this room also allows for
events that want more privacy
250 Cocktail
150 Seated Guests
Maximum Capacity
GRENIER250 Cocktail
150 Repas Assis
Le Grenier, comme son nom l’indique est situé au dernier étage de l’Auberge. C’est la salle la plus vaste qui occupe
quasiment toute la surface du bâtiment. Chargé d’histoire, c’est un espace qui permet de servir le cocktail
et le repas dans des endroits séparés.


Visite Virtuelle

Grenier Hall "L'Auberge St-Gabriel"

Grenier Hall, which means "attic" in French, is fittingly located on the Auberge's top floor. It is Auberge Saint-Gabriel's largest hall.